Friday, 27 September 2013

Remember how I said autumn had officially arrived in Cyprus, in my previous post? Well, this fashion post was made when it had just started raining. Oh, how I've missed the rain! Obviously, our autumn is more like summer in England, but I love it. I'm finally able to wear long leggings and some thin jeans. So prepare for lots of more fashion posts from me, now. This is an outfit that I wore to university a couple of days ago. It's simple, comfortable and fun, which is usually what I want from an outfit. My neppy mint tee is from Topshop and underneath it I wore a grey vest top from Next. My union jack leggings as well as my dainty gold heart ring are a recent purchase from Primark, and my black handbag is from Bershka. Lastly, I wore Primark turquoise socks and my pink converse.

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