Friday, 11 December 2015

Have you known that I am a filmmaker? Well, I have shared another post in the past talking about a day of filming for a class project. You can check it out here. However, the short film I am sharing with you today, was made prior to that bigger film. This was also created for a class project of the same course - Film Production 1. I have made other films after this one and I might share them with you in the future.

This film had to depict the feeling of fear in a way, and I believe I have accomplished that. I did not want to create a horror film, but something a bit mysterious and dark, with feelings of anxiety. The professor had also given us specific types of shots to use for the film and that pushed me to create things I wouldn't normally have tried to do. Looking at this now, a year later, I can not say I am particularly proud of it, but at the time I was definitely satisfied with the result. My professor really liked it as well. Ah, I miss having lessons with her. This semester at uni has been a major let down.

Blue Silence - Short Film from Georgia Nicolaou on Vimeo.

It was filmed with the Canon 600D (T3i), with the Canon 50mm f/1.8 and edited in Premiere Pro CS6. I hope you enjoy it and please let me know your thoughts about it. It can be positive or negative, I don't mind!



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